I only had one day in Hong Kong, but I was able to see a lot of the city! Hong Kong reminds me a lot of LA or New York City (what I have seen on TV). There were tons of higher class stores such as Parada, LV, Burberry, and many others!

I went to the Animal Oceanic Park where I learned about the Giant Panda Bears and Dolphins. Unfortunatly it was POURING RAIN so the trip wasn't as fun as it could've been. We had to buy ponchos and walk around in the monson but it was still pretty interesting and fun!

When I got back to the ship I was able to see the famous city light show. There is a seciton of the city that is located on the seaside and we were docked in the front row. It was cool, but I could only see a small portion of it because I was invited to meet with the man whose father invented the Semester at Sea Program!!!

He donates tons of money to the program and is fulfilling his father's dream of International Education. It was such an honor to meet him!!! However when I shook his hand, it was softer than mine!!!! Awkward!!!!

After the meeting he gave a speech to us about his love for Interational Education and how proud he is of the program. Overall Hong Kong was a very short lived trip, but I was happy that I got to see it!!! Next stop Vietnam!!!

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