Well I have just finished up my Japanese adventure and I am now in Quindao, China! But let me give you a run down of Japan!!! I got into Yokohama, Japan at 5:30am and I woke up to watch us to sail into port. We were actually in the middle of a Typhoon while coming into port so it was REALLY rainy!!!! But as we got closer to the port, the clouds and fog cleared and we could see the city!!! This was the first time in Semester at Sea history that the ship ported in Yokohama! So there was a BIG ceremony with the Ambassador of Yokohama and the Capitan exchanging gifts. The ceremony was followed by a music and dance performance then the Ambassador gave everyone on the ship handkerchiefs called “Happies.”
After the ceremony I began my trip around Yokohama and Tokyo. I got a full tour of Yokohama City and it is really compact and high (if that makes any since). The city is full of millions of people all of whom are really friendly and helpful!!! While in Yokohama, we went to a garden that was absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! It was full of old buildings and bridges from the early dynasties!!!
Once we finished the Yokohama tour, we made our way to Tokyo!!! Tokyo was unlike anything that I have ever imagined!!! There are lights EVERYWHERE and the technology was INSANE!!! There were people constantly walking around and getting on and off the subway sooo fast!!!! Speaking of the subway, the way people travel in Japan is CLOSE, in your personal space plus some CLOSE!!!! But it was an entertaining experience!!! I saw so many amazing things in Tokyo such as Shrines, Temples, the Sky Scape with a view of the entire city, the property of the Emperor, and the Electronics District. Tokyo was a lot different looking than Yokohama, in the fact that the city had more high rise apartments and buildings rather than high rises and small suburbs. Overall I really enjoyed Tokyo and Yokohama and the hospitality in both cities was superb!!!
My roommate and I traveled on our own while the ship went from Yokohama to Kobe. There was one day in between for us to go and explore Japan! We stayed in a hostel in Yokohama and then woke up and took the bullet Train to Kyoto and explored the ancient capital.
But it was actually pretty tasty and I would not eat it ever again mostly because snakes FREAK ME OUT!!!! The next morning we went to the Hiroshima Memorials that are set up around the “A Bomb Dome” which is the only remaining building after the bombing. Seeing all of the Memorials and then visiting the Peace Memorial Museum was an eye opening experience!!! There were A LOT of artifacts recovered from the bombing mostly children’s clothing and some other items that are a little more grusem.
I learned sooo much from visiting the museum and I realized that there is a lot that we don’t know about that day in history. It was an erie sensation being around all of the memorials and the museum especially after being at Pearl Harbor and seeing both sides of the story. I am extremely happy that I went to Hiroshima and Pearl Harbor both because now I feel that I have the full knowledge of the entire situation and I am able to share the stories of the memorial.
☺ Bo Jaymes Forster ☺
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